How much does it cost to create a web application?

In today’s world, having your own application has become a standard for many businesses, both small and large. On the one hand, a web application is an excellent way to increase the reach of your brand, and on the other hand, it allows for increased sales by providing easier access to products and services. However, many people wonder how much it costs to create an application and what factors influence its price.

Co wpływa na koszt aplikacji webowych i aplikacji mobilnych?

The first factor that influences how much it costs to create a mobile or web application is the type of application. There are two main categories of mobile applications: native and hybrid.

Native applications are designed and developed for a specific operating system, such as Android or iOS platforms, while hybrid applications work on several different operating systems. Native applications are usually more expensive to produce because they require a greater number of programming resources.

Application Complexity

Another factor that influences the cost of a mobile application is the complexity of the project. The more complex the project requirements are, such as the number of application functionalities, the more time and work will be needed to implement them. For example, an e-commerce application that requires integration with multiple systems and databases will be much more complex to design than a simple application for playing music.

Target Platform

The cost of creating a web application may vary depending on the target platform. These differences may be due to various technology requirements, software specifics, tools, and the time required to create them. For example, the cost of creating a web application on the iOS platform may be higher than on the Android platform because iOS applications must be written in Objective-C or Swift, while Android applications can be written in Java or Kotlin.


The cost of creating a web application may increase if it involves integration with other systems or applications. The more integrations there are, the more likely it is that you will need to design and implement appropriate application programming interfaces (APIs), which may require additional effort.

Number of Features

The number of features that the application offers affects the overall price of its execution. The more features there are, the more complex the project will be, and the longer it will take to complete.

Who creates applications

If the application is created by freelancers, the cost may be lower, but the quality and delivery time may not meet expectations. On the other hand, if the application is created by an experienced company, the cost may be higher, but the quality and delivery time will be higher.

Implementation of modern security protocols

For web applications, security is very important, so the cost of creating an application may increase if more complex security protocols need to be implemented, such as SSL/TLS, OAuth, or OpenID.

Team size and skills

The cost of creating a web application also depends on the size and skills of the team creating it. The larger the team, the greater the possibility of dividing the work and better project organization, which can accelerate the application creation process. In addition, the skills of team members and their experience in creating web applications also affect both the implementation time and the final price.

UX and UI design

User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design are very important factors influencing the cost of creating an application. High-quality UI/UX design allows for the creation of an application that is intuitive, easy to use, and has an attractive interface for the user.

However, UI/UX design is a complex process that requires time and high design skills. Therefore, the cost of UI/UX design can be significant. Especially when UI/UX design is taken seriously and commissioned to a professional design company that can offer high-quality processes.

Ultimately, the cost of a mobile application depends on various factors, and its cost can range from tens to hundreds of thousands of złotys. However, if you have an idea for a mobile application, it is worth considering the various factors that affect the price of the application to avoid unexpected expenses.

Stages of application development

Creating an application is a process that consists of several stages. Each of them is important and affects the final result, i.e., the finished application. Here are the main stages of application development:


This is the first and very important stage of application development. At this stage, you need to define the goals you want to achieve by creating the application. You should specify what functionalities the application should have and who it is intended for. It is also worth determining the budget you want to allocate for creating the application.


At this stage, you need to prepare the graphic design of the application and determine its functionalities. A good graphic design will allow for a better understanding of the final appearance of the application, and specifying functionalities will allow for better determination of costs and time needed to create the application.


This is the stage at which programmers start creating the application based on the previously prepared graphic and functional design. At this stage, individual application modules are created, which will later be connected.


At this stage, the application undergoes various tests. Testing allows for the detection of errors and defects in the application. The more tests are carried out, the greater the chance of minimizing errors in the final product.


This is the stage at which the application is ready for launch and made available to users. At this stage, the application is installed on the server, and users can download it and use it on their devices.


Creating the application is not the end. You still need to take care of its further development and maintenance. As part of maintaining the application, you should update it with new functionalities and fix bugs.

How to reduce application development costs?

There are several effective ways to reduce the costs of creating web applications, including:

Clearly define requirements

Precisely defining requirements before starting the project will help avoid unnecessary costs and reduce the time spent on corrections and adjustments. It is important to determine what is necessary and what can wait or be added later.

Use existing solutions

There are many both free and paid solutions that can help create a web application. Using ready-made modules and libraries instead of writing everything from scratch will save time and costs. However, this solution has its drawbacks because it is not always possible to fully adapt such a library to the individual requirements and needs of the client. This is because the modules propose one solution to a given problem preferred by its author. Therefore, there is no room for flexibility in this solution.

Choose the right technology

Choosing the right technology can affect project costs. There are technologies that are free, and others that require licensing fees or use cloud services, which involve monthly fees. You should choose the technology that best suits the project’s needs and budget.

Hire an external team

Instead of hiring a permanent team of programmers, you can use the services of an external company. This way, you can avoid the fixed costs of employing workers and pay only for the time spent on a specific project.

Plan iteratively

Planning the project iteratively allows you to focus on the most important functionalities and avoid the costs associated with creating unnecessary solutions. This way, you can focus on the most important elements of the application, rather than wasting time and money on less important aspects.

Test the application continuously

Continuous application testing allows for faster detection of problems and avoids the costs associated with fixing them later. It is worth testing on different devices and browsers to ensure that the application works correctly on each of them.

These steps can save time and money while creating an application that meets your users’ requirements.

Web application development time

The complexity of the project is one of the key factors that influence the time required to complete a web application. The more complex the project, the more time will be needed to complete it. Simple web applications, such as landing page websites, can be created within a few hours, depending on the specific requirements.

However, for more complex projects, such as social networking applications, e-commerce platforms, or project management systems, the implementation time can range from several months to over a year. In such projects, it is important to precisely define functional and non-functional requirements and conduct appropriate risk analysis and project planning to avoid delays and missed deadlines.

Another factor that affects the time required to complete a web application is the number of people working on the project. In larger teams, work is divided into smaller tasks, which can accelerate project implementation. However, coordinating the work of a larger number of people can be more complicated and may require more time and resources.

The technology used and the quality of requirements specifications also affect the project implementation time. Using new, less popular technologies may require more time for learning and adaptation, which can contribute to extending the project implementation time. On the other hand, precise requirements specifications that accurately define functionalities and client expectations allow for avoiding errors and misunderstandings that can cause additional delays in project implementation.

The availability of resources, such as programmers’ time, hardware and software availability, and costs, also influence the project implementation time. In case of insufficient resources, project implementation may be delayed or require higher financial outlays, which can contribute to increased project costs.


In summary, the cost of creating a mobile or web application depends on many factors and can range from tens to hundreds of thousands of złotys. It is worth taking into account various factors, such as the type of application, project complexity, and application testing, to avoid unexpected costs.

Before deciding to create a mobile application, it is worth carefully considering the costs of its maintenance and development to ensure that this investment will bring the expected benefits.

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